Hehehex~ Its have been a week since I last blogging , nee..??? Well, actually I kind of busy and BORING during those days. Busy with HOUSE WORK and ONLINE..
First of all I wanna say Happy New Year for all MUSLIM and MUSLIMAH...^^ we'll start our new year with BISMILLAHIRRAHMANIRRAHIM and hoping that this new year will be better than last year....AMIN...
Well, last weekend I was having a fun moment as my family brought me to a picnic.. Ahh~ such a lovely day. We were going to HUTAN LIPUR KAWANG at Kinarut. It is a wonderful place with waterfall and beautiful nature... hahax~ Kat cna mmang aQ btul2 mcm org jakun owh...hahax.. yalah, lama tul ndak nmpak waterfall, tu laa jdi gtu tue.. aQ mmang hepi tahap gaban tyme tue coz ndak slalu dpt luangkn masa ama family.. so0, this is it.... hahax~ for the first tyme during this school holiday, I did not feel BORING...^^ hahax~ WATASHI WA SHIAWASE desu~...
Then, yesterday I was going to hspital utk kasi kwn adik aq pi medical check-up.. well, mmang BURING ehh..!! hampir 2 jam aq berkulat di cna taw.. first plan mau pi tinguk MOVIE lpas adik aq checking tpi oleh kerana udah lmbat, terpaksa laa CANCEL plan mau pi tinguk wayang.... cdih nyaa....!! nsib bek laa ABAH aQ bwa kmi pi mamam pizza.. 'ubat gak skit luka kat ati nieh....ceh..!!
Maybe thats all larh... klu aq rajin, mlm nieh aq blogging lgi... so0, Sayonara..