Tuesday, March 15, 2011


The title is simple, right..?? But unfortunately my skol break is full with HOMEWORKS.... nande NANDE...!!! There's only left less than 96 hours b4 I go back to da skol... Warghh..!!

Adeih.... so0 da conclusion is I have to FINISH my "dear" homework before this thursday... I really HAVE to...!! so0, I have to STRUGGLE laa... what else I can do...
but, I will fill my holiday with  .... I hope so..

Ok then... thats all for today... my "HUBBY" is waiting for me...

p/s : "HUBBY" is actually my HOMEWORK okay...!!

Sunday, March 13, 2011

my LIFE as a MRSM student.....

Finally, I arrived at PUTATAN after a long journey from TAWAU.... so0 tired tahap GABAN owh... actually aQ smpai kemarin but trus aq sakit2 smpi skrg... Tdi tyme di C.P pown mcm ayam berak kapur siak aQ... ndak jadi mau jalan2 lma2 ama family aQ... Such a pathetic day...

Now aq mau citer skit psal MRSM TAWAU... Mmang perbezaan antara skolah tue ama SMAKK t'lalu jauh.. Kat cni mmang relax and steady.. Ndak laa stress m'lmpau tyme study... really suitable wif my taste... ^^ hahax~ walaupun study kat cni kna struggle abih akibat t'lmpau "best" soalannya,  aq tatap ndak t'lalu stress mcm tyme aq kat SMAKK dlu... syukurlah kat ALLAH coz let me study here.. sehari sblum aq blik cuti, cikgu Jo (aq lupa lak nma btulnya..) bwa kmi ( FC form 4 ) pi jln2 kat bndr tawau tyme mlm2... best owh... bru jak sebulan study kat sni udah bleh pi jln2 tyme mlm... hahax~

sementara kmi tunggu bas, posing2 dlu.. hahax~ 

from left... syasya, ME , zika.... 

ME and AtOne... gyla2 kmee nieh...

aQ harap2 agar aQ akan dpt sesuaikan diri kat cni and study pastu dpt result yg gempak abih... amin... aQ gak harap2 sistem kat skolah nieh takkan b'rubah coz differences sometime change ourself to a better self but sometime will change us to a spoiler... 

klah, I need to rest ASAP.... wish me to get well as soon as possible yerr.... 
- sayonara -